First things first: I got some sweet seeds from a super gardener who at this time will remain nameless. She had a ton of stuff but we stuck with mostly tomato seeds. Yellow Ruffled, Purple Zebra, Free standing Red, and Big Purple. I also have some red pepper plants
Step Two: Built some origami seedling pots made from half pages of news paper. Directions can be found on the internet, but honestly, I wouldn't waste my time. Once the water hit these things it was all over. They should still work, but never again. Store bought or bust. Literally.
Step Three: Fill them with dirt and seeds. I filled them about 3/4 of the way, added about 5-6 seeds in each container, and filled the rest to the top with dirt. From what I've read potting soil is not the ideal medium, but I just went with what I could get easiest.
Step Four: The soil temp needs to be 70 or greater so I put all of the seed packets in a Pyrex dish and hung it between two saw horses. The light below should keep everything nice an toasty, and the saran wrap should keep all of the moisture in. (step 3.5 was water them). Hopefully in 5-10 days we'll have some sprouts.
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